
assetIdstringThe asset ID of the file on audio platform.
blobBlobA base64 encoded string of the file.
durationnumberThe duration of the audio file in seconds.
extstringThe extension of the file.
filesArray<object>The static media files associated with the audio file.
files.widthnumberThe width of the media file.
files.heightnumberThe height of the media file.
files.sizenumberThe size of the media file in bytes.
files.namestringThe name of the media file.
files.extstringThe extension of the media file.
files.bitratenumberThe bitrate of the media file.
files.urlstringThe URL of the media file.
hlsUrlstringThe URL to the HLS stream.
mimeTypestringThe MIME type of the file.
ordernumberThe order of the object in a list.
originalNamestringThe original name of the file.
pathArray<string>The path to the file in the source.
pathStringstringThe path to the file in the source as a string.
playbackIdstringThe playback ID of the file on audio platform.
remoteIdstringThe unique identifier in the source.
sizenumberThe size of the file in bytes.
sourceIdstringThe source identifier.
urlstringDirect access URL.
autoSummarystringA summary automatically generated from the transcript.
autoKeywordsArray<string>Keywords automatically extracted from the transcript.
autoEntitiesArray<string>Entities automatically extracted from the transcript.
autoTopicsArray<string>Topics automatically extracted from the transcript.
subtitlesArray<SubtitleFile>The subtitles associated with the audio file.
documentArray<GoogleDoc | GoogleCalendarEvent | DiscordMessage>The parent document of the audio file.
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