The unbody/push package provides an easy-to-use interface to manually upload files and push custom data into your projects.

  • Uploading Files: Manually upload and manage files like images and videos.
  • Pushing Custom Data: Push structured JSON data with your own schema.


The Push API requires authentication using a Project API Key, which can be generated on the Unbody dashboard under the project settings. Use this API key to authenticate your requests.

import { UnbodyPushAPI } from 'unbody/push'
const pushApi = new UnbodyPushAPI({
  projectId: '[project-id]',
  sourceId: '[push-api-source-id]',
  auth: {
    apiKey: 'pk_...', // Your project API key


Upload Files

You can upload files to your Unbody project using the .files.upload() method. The file should have a valid name and extension.

// Uploading a file
const { data } = await pushApi.files.upload({
  id: 'file-uuid', // Unique ID for the file
  file: file, // File object
  payload: {}, // Extra fields for the file (optional)
// Example response data
console.log( // E.g., 'ImageBlock' for image files
console.log( // Unique file ID
console.log( // File's content type
// Or, with external URL
const { data } = await pushApi.files.upload({
  id: 'file-uuid',
  filename: 'image.jpg', // required
  url: '',
  payload: {}, // Extra fields for the file (optional)

Alternatively, you can also upload a file using a FormData object:

const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('id', 'file-unique-id')
formData.append('file', file, 'file-name.ext')
    xCustomField: 'value',
await pushApi.files.upload({
  form: formData, // FormData object with file and id

Delete Files

To delete a file, use the .files.delete() method:

await pushApi.files.delete({
  id: 'file-unique-id', // Unique ID for the file

List Files

You can list uploaded files with pagination options:

await pushApi.files.list({
  cursor: 'cursor', // Optional
  limit: 10, // Optional
  offset: 0, // Optional
  sort: 'asc', // Optional

Create Data Records

To create a custom data record, use the .records.create() method. This is useful for pushing structured JSON data to your Unbody project.

await pushApi.records.create({
  id: 'record-custom-id', // Unique ID for the record
  collection: 'CustomCollection', // Collection name
  payload: {}, // Record payload

Get Data Records

To fetch a specific data record by its ID:

const { data } = await pushApi.records.get({
  id: 'record-unique-id',
console.log( // Record collection name
console.log( // Record ID
console.log( // Record type; `file` or `record`

Update Records

The .records.update() method allows you to replace the entire payload of a record or file’s extra fields:

await pushApi.records.update({
  id: 'record-unique-id',
  collection: 'CustomCollection',
  payload: {}, // New payload, replaces the existing payload
await pushApi.records.update({
  id: 'file-unique-id',
  collection: 'TextDocument',
  payload: {
    xCustomField: 'value',
  }, // New payload, replaces the existing payload

Patch Records

The .records.patch() method lets you partially update the record’s payload or file’s extra fields:

await pushApi.records.patch({
  id: 'record-unique-id',
  collection: 'CustomCollection',
  payload: {}, // Partial update, merges with the existing payload
await pushApi.records.patch({
  id: 'file-unique-id',
  collection: 'TextDocument',
  payload: {
    xCustomField: 'new value',
  }, // Partial update, merges with the existing payload


await pushApi.records.patch({
  id: 'record-unique-id',
  collection: 'CustomCollection',
  payload: {
    profilePhoto: [
        id: 'image-file-id',
        collection: 'ImageBlock',

Delete Data Records

To delete a specific data record:

await pushApi.records.delete({
  id: 'record-unique-id',
  collection: 'CustomCollection',

Note: This method cannot be used to delete files. For deleting files, use pushApi.files.delete method instead.

List Data Records

You can list all records in a specific collection:

await pushApi.records.list({
  collection: 'CustomCollection', // Optional
  cursor: 'cursor', // Optional
  limit: 10, // Optional
  offset: 0, // Optional


  • The id for both files and records must be unique across the same source. For instance, a file and a record cannot share the same id. When processing records through the Push API, the remoteId field will contain this id.
  • Data within a source is isolated, meaning cross-references cannot be created between records or files that belong to different sources. All operations are limited to the current source.


The following is a summary of the main endpoints and their corresponding response types:


  • Upload File: .files.upload()
    Response: FileRecordEntity
  • Delete File: .files.delete()
    Response: FileRecordEntity
  • List Files: .files.list()
    Response: { files: FileRecordEntity[], cursor: string }

Data Records

  • Create Record: .records.create()
    Response: DataRecordEntity
  • Get Record: .records.get()
    Response: RecordEntity
  • Update Record: .records.update()
    Response: DataRecordEntity
  • Patch Record: .records.patch()
    Response: DataRecordEntity
  • Delete Record: .records.delete()
    Response: DataRecordEntity
  • List Records: .records.list()
    Response: { records: RecordEntity[], cursor: string }
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