Content APIData TypesDiscordMessage


authorobjectThe author’s metadata.
author.idstringThe author’s ID.
author.avatarstringThe author’s avatar URL.
author.usernamestringThe author’s username.
author.globalNamestringThe author’s global name.
authorIdstringThe ID of the message author.
channelIdstringThe ID of the channel this message belongs to.
contentstringThe content of the message.
createdAtDateThe creation date of the message.
guildIdstringThe ID of the server this message belongs to.
mentionEveryonebooleanWhether the message mentions everyone.
mentionsArray<object>The mentions in the message.
mentions.idstringThe ID of the mentioned user.
mentions.avatarstringThe avatar URL of the mentioned user.
mentions.usernamestringThe username of the mentioned user.
mentions.globalNamestringThe global name of the mentioned user.
modifiedAtDateThe last modification date of the message.
positionnumberThe position of the message in the channel.
referencedMessageIdstringThe remote ID of the referenced message.
remoteIdstringThe unique identifier in the source.
sourceIdstringThe source identifier.
attachmentsArray<ImageBlock | AudioFile | VideoFile>The attachments in the message.
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