Content APIData TypesSpreadsheetDocument


createdAtDateThe creation date of the file.
mimeTypestringThe MIME type of the file.
modifiedAtDateThe last modification date of the file.
originalNamestringThe original name of the file.
pathArray<string>The path to the file in the source.
pathStringstringThe path to the file in the source as a string.
remoteIdstringThe unique identifier in the source.
sizenumberThe size of the file in bytes.
slugstringSlugified version of the original name.
sourceIdstringThe source identifier.
autoSummarystringA summary automatically generated based on the document content.
autoKeywordsArray<string>Keywords automatically extracted from the document.
autoEntitiesArray<string>Entities automatically extracted from the document.
autoTopicsArray<string>Topics automatically extracted from the document.
sheetsArray<Spreadsheet>The sheets associated with the document.
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