Content APIData TypesGoogleCalendarEvent


createdAtDateThe creation date of the event.
creatorDisplayNamestringThe event’s creator display name.
creatorEmailstringThe event’s creator email.
creatorIdstringThe event’s creator ID.
creatorSelfbooleanWhether the creator is the user.
descriptionHtmlstringThe event’s description in HTML format.
descriptionTextstringThe event’s description in plain text.
endDateThe end date of the event.
htmlLinkstringThe direct access URL.
locationstringThe location of the event.
organizerDisplayNamestringThe event’s organizer display name.
organizerEmailstringThe event’s organizer email.
organizerIdstringThe event’s organizer ID.
organizerSelfbooleanWhether the organizer is the user.
recurrenceArray<string>The recurrence rule of the event.
remoteIdstringThe unique identifier in the source.
sequencenumberEvent’s sequence number.
sourceIdstringThe source identifier.
startDateThe start date of the event.
statusstringThe status of the event.
summarystringThe summary of the event.
titlestringThe title of the event.
updatedAtDateThe last modification date of the event.
attachmentsArray<ImageBlock | AudioFile | VideoFile>Event’s attachments.
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