Field | Type | Description |
createdAt | Date | The creation date of the event. |
creatorDisplayName | string | The event’s creator display name. |
creatorEmail | string | The event’s creator email. |
creatorId | string | The event’s creator ID. |
creatorSelf | boolean | Whether the creator is the user. |
descriptionHtml | string | The event’s description in HTML format. |
descriptionText | string | The event’s description in plain text. |
end | Date | The end date of the event. |
htmlLink | string | The direct access URL. |
location | string | The location of the event. |
organizerDisplayName | string | The event’s organizer display name. |
organizerEmail | string | The event’s organizer email. |
organizerId | string | The event’s organizer ID. |
organizerSelf | boolean | Whether the organizer is the user. |
recurrence | Array<string> | The recurrence rule of the event. |
remoteId | string | The unique identifier in the source. |
sequence | number | Event’s sequence number. |
sourceId | string | The source identifier. |
start | Date | The start date of the event. |
status | string | The status of the event. |
summary | string | The summary of the event. |
title | string | The title of the event. |
updatedAt | Date | The last modification date of the event. |
attachments | Array<ImageBlock | AudioFile | VideoFile> | Event’s attachments. |