PromptingUse vars inside a prompt

Use vars inside a prompt

Transform and inject dynamic data into your prompts using variables. Variables allow you to process query results before using them in message content.

Generate from video subtitles using vars

Demonstrates using variables to process video subtitles. The code uses two JQ-formatted vars:

  • subtitles: Extracts video subtitle entries
  • context: Creates a structure combining filename and transcription

The processed data is then injected into a message prompt using context syntax, generating a summary of the video transcription. Results include generation metadata and usage statistics.

const {
  data: { payload },
} = await unbody.get.videoFile
          options: {
              vars: [
                      name: "subtitles",
                      formatter: "jq",
                      expression: `(.subtitles//[]) | map({ entries })`,
                      name: "context",
                      formatter: "jq",
                      expression: `{
                          transcription: $subtitles[0].entries
          messages: [
                  content: `Summarize the video's transcription:

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