SearchKeyword Search

Keyword Search

Search based on exact keyword matches within your data, ideal for precise matching when users know specific terms they’re looking for. Learn more about Keyword Search.

When you need to find documents containing specific terms exactly as written, Keyword Search is your best option. For instance, searching for “machine learning” will return only documents that contain that exact phrase.

const {
  data: { payload }
} = await unbody.get
                .search.find("machine learning")
                .select("originalName", "text", "autoSummary")

Sometimes you want to search for keywords only in certain parts of your documents - like titles or summaries - while ignoring the main content.

const {
  data: { payload }
} = await unbody.get
                .search.find("neural networks", ["title", "autoSummary"])
                .select("originalName", "properties", "autoSummary")

Learn more in our Keyword Search Guide.

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